- Authorized Access: Facilities are open to all authorized MWR patrons: Active Duty, family members, DoD Civilians, DES, Contractors w/CAC and disabled veterans (due to Army regulations only veterans with 100% service-connected disability and honorably discharged are able to use the facilities).
- Hours: Our regular business hours are posted on the sidebar on the right of the page. Please call if you have any questions.
- Safety and Hygiene: Please see the SOP (PDF) for policies and procedures promoting a safe, clean and healthy environment for all patrons.
- Barnes Field House
Status Update- Facilities open to all authorized MWR patrons: Active Duty, Family Members, Retirees, DoD Civilians, Contractors w/CAC and their guests.
- Business hours are located on the sidebar to the right, please call if you have any questions.
Our Facility Offers
- 3 combination handball/racquetball courts
- Main gymnasium with 2 multi-sport (basketball/volleyball) courts
- Dry sauna in each of our men's and women's locker rooms
- Well-equipped fitness center and weight room
- Collection of selectorized weight machines, stationary bikes, steppers, treadmills, ellipticals (X-Trainers), rowing machines and spin bikes.
Sports, Fitness and Aquatics also offers fitness classes taught by certified instructors.
The adjacent Bujalski Track & Field Complex contains a multi-purpose athletic field that includes:
- 400-meter track with 8 lanes
- High jump area
- Long jump pit
- Eifler Fitness Center
Status Update
- Facilities open to ALL AUTHORIZED MWR PATRONS: Active Duty, Family Members, Retirees, DOD Civilians, Contractors w/CAC and their guests. No masks required.
The Eifler Fitness Center Offers
- A main gymnasium with 2 multi-sport (basketball/volleyball) courts
- A dry sauna in each of our men’s and women’s locker rooms
- A complete line of fitness and weight equipment
Eifler Sports Plaza and Krueger Track are located adjacent to the EFC. The Sports Plaza includes:
- 2 lighted combination softball and flag football fields on artificial turf.
- A 400-meter track with 8 lanes
- An infield on artificial turf
- Aquatics
Barnes Field House Indoor Pool
- 6 lanes, 25-meters
- Heated year ‘round
- Location: Building 61701, Hatfield Street
Irwin Outdoor Pool- Open to all authorized MWR patrons
- 100% ID card check
- Kids 12 and under must be accompanied by parent or guardian 18 or older.
- Intramural Sports
The Sports Program schedules year 'round sports and special events. Units wishing to participate must must attend the Coach's Meeting prior to each sport to declare their intent to participate. Contact the Commander's Cup Sports Coordinator at 533-2541 for more information.
- Facility Reservation Form
Use this form to make reservations for the following SFA facilities: Warrior Field, Sentinel Field, Krueger Track & Field, Barnes Field House and Eifler Fitness Center.

Sports Facility Activities
Ft. Huachuca Sports, Fitness, & Aquatics is here to make sure you have everything you need to get in shape or maintain the shape you're in.