Army MWR Library gives you access to thousands of ebooks, movies, language learning, test prep, magazines and much more! https://mwrlibrary.armybiznet.com/screens/resources.html
To request an Army MWR library account, send an email to usarmy.mwr.library@mail.mil
Army MWR Library Online is for: Active Duty Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, Army Retirees, Army Dependents and Army Veterans with 100% service-connected disability and honorably discharged.
Army Civilians can access the MWR Digital Library through Military OneSource at: http://www.militaryonesource.mil

Library Online Resources
Discover Army MWR Library’s Online Resources! Download ebooks and audiobooks, learn a new language and more by accessing over 45 helpful online resources.
Library Online Resources
Discover Army MWR Library’s Online Resources! Download ebooks and audiobooks, learn a new language and more by accessing over 45 helpful online resources.